GNCCI pushes for downward review of utility tariffs to save struggling companies
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) has decided to petition Parliament’s Select Committee on Mines and Energy over the recent increase in utility tariffs by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC).
The GNCCI has been appealing to the PURC to review the tariffs for large-scale businesses, as the current economic crisis is already taking a toll on their operations and forcing many to look for cheaper tariffs or even close down.
The President of the GNCCI, Clement Osei Amoako, said they will continue to push for a downward review of utility tariffs for its members and will lobby the Parliament Select Committee if necessary to ensure the survival of ordinary Ghanaians and businesses.
The PURC has responded that the tariffs have already been gazetted and will take effect in February 2023, and there is nothing that can be done about it now, but they are establishing protocols for engagement for future adjustments.