GSE-CI records post-holiday dip to close at 3,686 points, posts 17.78% YTD returns
The benchmark index of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSEComposite Index) dipped 0.16 points to close at 3,686.93 points and posted a YTD return of 17.78%.
The GSE Financial Stocks Index closed unchanged at 2,044.36 points, maintaining its YTD return at 7.51%.
BOPP shed-off GH¢0.05 to close at GH¢21.55 while GLD closedGH¢2.50 lower at GH¢311.50.
Both counters traded GH¢114,412.70 and GH¢1,458,131.50 respectively.
Market capitalization decreased by GH¢8.99million to GH¢80.31 billion. Today’s trading session recorded a total turnover of GH¢2,241,130.66 (up 1139.34%) from the exchange of twenty (20) different equities.
There were outstanding offers for ACCESS, BOPP, GOIL, FML and EGL at GH¢4.80, GH¢21.53, GH¢1.50, GH¢3.20 and GH¢2.39 respectively.